Saturday, October 24, 2009


so here's the deal...i did a little work in my studio today but at the moment there are 4 children in the library pounding on the grand piano and the miniature grand piano..i'm not sure who's on which...but they love to pound away! - every now and then you'll hear an actual "twinkle twinkle little star" come forth...but mostly it's just letting loose. we can do this, you see, because papper's working in the ER tonight - we had a "bath" in the hot tub earlier..and willie, tillie, lucy and oliver all swam" nakies", i take that back..for some reason lucy had her suit on...and we talked a lot about baby joey - the only one missing - he really loves that hot tub! tomorrow morning we'll do our usual...go out for a breakfast feast at Sadie's...a full family fun event - sometimes we hang spoons...sometimes we flip little pieces of napkin off our forks - all great fun and lots of noise and the proprietors seem to love it!! and now - willie's dragging me off my chair to go play another game of rummykub so i must run - ain't life "grand"???????

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