Thursday, March 25, 2010

a famous bridge...(ponte Vecchio)

6x6 oil on canvas panel
so here's a famous bridge...i don't know where and i don't know what for sure! - i am so bad - not having traveled extensively like so many people, i am pretty clueless and have to depend on my picture takers to fill me in. this is another of my friend diane's photographs and i just free- handed it quickly - not even sure if i got the dimensions right but it was fun to do as an exercise. it's raining today and i have 4-year-old ollie for the afternoon, who insisted on painting with me. he created 2 glorious masterpieces while i fumbled along on this one...but then one of his was all in purple...yesterday was spent in indy, playing a tennis match with my friend linda -= we lost the first but hung in and won the second. then i had to do some work on my wall at the downtown midland gallery - home too late to paint. tomorrow my daughter's having surgery and we're heading up there for the day so i may not paint tomorrow either. that's the joy of this painting business - it's always waiting for me when i have the time!!
p.s. - i found out the name of this bridge is ponte vecchio..the most famous bridge in all of florence, italy

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