9 x 12 oil on canvas
this is the other beach painting i've been working on - we'll see after it sits for a while - the mom actually had a yellow bathing suit on but the pose was not very flattering so i decided to put a little white dress on her. i think i may name this one "Shelling with Mom".

6 x 6 oil on canvas panel
this is of a single shell - no lighting so not very dramatic. it rained ALL DAY yesterday!! - i couldn't even get out on the porch to paint so i set up in the upstairs hall, hoping that the paint smell will dissipate by the time we leave...i'm sure it will - we're sitting in the middle of a nor'easter - winds up to 35 miles per hour - (so THEY say ..i think it's more!) i think we'll at least be able to get outside today for a walk - the rain has stopped for the moment but we'll see..

9 x 12 oil on canvas
this is one of the paintings i'm working on - more kids playing on the beach...i'm not sure this is working - there may be too much stuff going on and the color is what i saw..not necessarily the most harmonious for a painting. i'll let it sit for a while and get back to it.