Thursday, May 5, 2011

frosted mother's day cookie...

i had to paint this!!!!  and i know i didn't do it the justice it deserves because it's the end of a long day and i rushed a bit.  but isn't this the coolest thing ever?  the sweetrose bakehouse has a few left...they have some in green and they also have decorated purse cookies!!!  i took a closeup picture of this and may have another go at it but i'm first gonna EAT it!!! on another note.... we had such a nice day - i joined my friends cindy, phyllie and sukey at the new "Millie's" lunch spot at elsbury's greenhouse.  after many years, gorden and family have retired and it's under new mckinley and husband and daughter and son-in-law and other miscellaneous rels...such a wonderful spot to visit...and they even have PLANTS!!!!!  if you haven't been there in a while, i highly recommend it!!! very user friendly and kim has lots more surprises in the works!!

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