6x6 oil on panel
so here's the latest weekly challenge - this comes from michael naples (you can access his site from the list on the right)..he was so helpful and encouraging to me when i first started this journey! - he's a member of the daily painters and they are providing a challenge a week - i actually missed this one because we were on our golf trip to doral...carol marine's issued this week's challenge - single stroke painting. we're supposed to paint something - whatever we choose - and put down a stroke and leave it - this will be good for me - i tend to go back and rework things - what they call "licking" - oftentimes this is death to a painting because it can take the life right out of it...so i'm looking forward to this! - we have to go to a calling today - the second in as many days...we lost two good people this week - my friend and fellow artist, catherine burris and a wonderful educator and athlete, steve hollenbeck. so sad and such losses for the community! ... maybe tomorrow i can describe a bit more about our trip and maybe find some pics. we took some videos but i'm not sure i know how to do that - we'll see...