a daily musing about my family, my life, but mostly about art - how i will try to paint every day - even while my house is falling down around my ears and my five grandchildren are clamoring to paint with me. thank god my husband likes to cook and that he and nellie and ruby, our golden retrievers, have infinite patience. we'll see.....
Friday, April 29, 2011
more of george's...
so i worked a bit on this yesterday...browned up the cookies a bit and added a bit of background..actually it looks as if i've painted the milk white but that's only the white of the canvas - i didn't do an underpainting for this one..unusual for me. i think i was so excited to get going on it, i just plum forgot!...bob anderson's stillframes is moving tomorrow so i had to get all my stuff out of there today...i ran into my good buddies kendal and linda as i was arriving and they were leaving. many thanks to them for taking the time to stop in to see the work. i'll be taking a bunch of the new stuff to the galleries in indy next week and, after a bit more yard work, it's back to my studio - i'm excited to get back at it!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
sneaking up on "george's" cookies...
so i promised rose (sweet rose bakehouse, 16th and home) i would do another large-ish painting for her bare walls. the great big cupcake will go in there either friday or saturday and we need another one or maybe even two paintings for the space. i have discovered "george's cookies"...an unbelieveable concoction with white chocolate, macadamia nuts, dried cranberries, nuts... gorgeous and to die for!!! i am trying to do them justice and it may take some doing. i can see now that i've photographed the piece that they need to be a bit more toasty brown colored....the thing is...i need to finish this because they won't last forever! - each time when i finish working i cover them with plastic wrap so i know they'll still be good. rose doesn't sell anything a day old - several weeks ago i begged her for some cookies because i had my grands coming and she was closing and said she had none - but she GAVE me a few because she wasn't going to sell them...how cool is that???...a break from the rain today but it's COLD!!...there may be time for a bit more yard work.

so today i worked in the yard...we had a bit of a respite from the rain and i thought the weeds would just pop right out...not so much!...i'm working on another great big painting for rose's bakehouse and i'll post that tomorrow but for today i thought i'd post these two little studies i did of sisters...they have two brothers that i have yet to get to...my bad...i'm taking down the exhibit at stillframes on friday. i was thrilled to have the opportunity and i've had so much positive feedback...lots of fun!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
back home again...in indiana????
oh my mercy!!! the rain!!! - we actually were a bit nervous about the trip home..last year at this time we almost got stuck in the flooding in nashville...but the trip was fairly uneventful, other than 3 wrecks and some awfully ominous skies. but the rain!!!! our poor doggies are going stir crazy - they want to go out but then they don't - and of course nellie won't leave my side - she HATES rain and thuunder! so we're in the middle of our bathroom remodel, stuff all over, no mail yet for some reason and i have many, many chores to attend to...so no painting til i get caught up. hope that will be soon!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
big storm...
we're watching IDOL and the hail is falling, the dogs are shaking, the dogs are barking, the house is swaying...but...hey - we're on vacation! we played the brunswick country club today..about 200 yards shorter than harrison and a fun course...i shot an 82 but my hubby shot a 78..and we're always battling to see who wins...what fun!! and a wonderful dinner with some great edna valley chard...and almost time to go home. i'm bringing all my paintings home for my galleries in indy. the island is struggling at the moment..some of the galleries will be closing..so we'll see what happens this year. can't wait to get on to the next event!!!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
another beach painting...
here's another beach painting. i ran across the cutest kids a couple days ago and managed to get a few pics of them....this is the result...and i'm sorry for the poor quality of the photograph - i don't have my tripod here and the lighting isn't the best. i took some more photos yesterday and i think i have some good possibilities but i won't be able to tackle them til after i get back to indiana...no more time for things to dry...so i'm packing up my paints and i'm going to concentrate on golf for the next 3 days. then home. rats!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
for some reason the arrangement of my posts has changed - i'll try and get it back where it was but until then...this is a little beach baby i painted yesterday and today. we took a long walk with the girls and i got lots of good pix for future painting fodder!..no golf today but we may hit balls - just reveling in the relaxation and the sunshine..(i hear it's nasty back home in indiana!)
Monday, April 18, 2011
did some painting today...
since i'm on vacation, it's more about golfing than painting...our couples' trip is over...we had such fun as usual... and i had a chance to get at some painting this morning before golf...hope to post some paintings tomorrow...this is a picture of a wonderful par three at the frederica golf course where we played yesterday. we played the plantation course today and we're heading to someplace new tomorow...isn't vacation fun????
Friday, April 15, 2011
having fun!!!..workshop painting and some views from our place

Sunday, April 10, 2011
been a while..
it's not that i haven't been painting...along with my friends nan and carolyn, i took a workshop in martinsville yesterday with douglas david...my second with him and it was great! - i'll probably post the paintings i did. this new palette is much more condusive to florals than landscapes, at least in my hands! we're getting ready to head to georgia tomorrow and i have so much to do. they will possibly be starting my bathroom remodel while we're gone and i have to clear that out. meanwhile, i wanted to post some pics of my show at stillframes. i'll try and get bob to email me a few pics of the opening. for now, here's the way it looks! my painting of elizabeth and the big cupcake and the butler homage are all in the window!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
thanks to everyone!!

12x4 oil on gallerywrap canvas - another ireland painting..inspired by my friend johnny
oh my goodness!! what a nice time!!! and what a nice turnout!!! - i was nervous to begin with and then my good friend sally from indy walked through the door and from then on it was all good!!...i can't begin to list the people who showed up - mike and judy, john and nan, karl, linda, janeann and fred, tom and sandy, leanne and mike, jen and tillie, jif and gabby, nancy, carol, eris,bobbie, judy, bob and nancy..and i'm just getting started....can't possibly name them all...thanks to everyone!!!!!...and now it's back to work and the real world!! - hitting the garage tomorrow, according to my hubby...yikes!!
Friday, April 1, 2011
thanks to danny....

i got a wonderful shoutout from danny dakich (he'll always be danny to me....even though you know him as dan dakich on espn tv and his radio show on 1070the fan. i emailed him a photo of "the butler way" and he really seemd to like it and mentioned it on his show - what could be better, i ask you???...i think i'm ready for tonight - working on some extra food as i'm writing this - i'm posting one of the small paintings from ireland.....my friend karl teeing off...
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