Friday, October 8, 2010

headin home....

ok - so we only have 18 minutes left on our wifi account so i'll be brief...and unless something fantastical happens tonight, this will probably be my last post before we're back in the states. we're beginning to see signs of humanity - the occasional lighthouse-looking thing - a dim far-off landmass looking thing - i know we headed out of jamaica yesterday and headed northeast and around the eastern end of cuba and then back up sort of following the coast - the tv available on board is pretty pathetic but they do have a channel that continually shows where you are and it's kind of cool!...a lazy day - have to have all our bags packed before we head to dinner and we just aren't making that much headway - we did take a long nap this afternoon - this nightlife is really hard on a body! - we watched a beatles tribute and then went to a piano bar last night. davey is of course the hit in our group! -they can't get over his argyle socks, of all things - that's just the way he dresses! - gotta run - we've printed off a couple prints of some galoots we know...

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